The Importance of Assimilation & Discipleship Pathway

Just about every time I work with a church, there are always two subjects that come up; assimilation and discipleship pathway . I have heard some say they are one in the same, while others believe there is no need for assimilation if the discipleship process is right. The reality is, i t takes both assimilation and a discipleship pathway for a church to function properly. While they are both different, they work together; and one cannot happen without the other, especially in the church world. Assimilation obviously isn't a sacred church word; it exists in nearly every organization that develops people. By definition, the word assimilate means: to cause (a person or group) to become part of a different society, country, etc. In the church world, we want people who are far from God to become part of a different country too (God's Kingdom). We need a process that will cause people to move from where they are to where God wants them ...