Bad Polity: a HUGE Growth Barrier in Rural Churches

It has always been said, “Don’t mix church and politics.” Yet the reality is, every church needs good polity and processes in order to function and grow. However, the only thing worse than no church polity is bad church polity. Unfortunately in many rural churches, bad polity is a big problem. It’s like a religious poison that everyone overlooks. It cripples decision making and creates dysfunctional leadership. Vision and Mission Paralysis Vision and mission become paralyzed when action steps require a majority vote of the people. I have worked with different rural churches across the country where this is the case. I have seen churches that voted on everything, from buying ink pens to which type of light bulbs would be used, standard or florescent (I'm not kidding). It is impossible for a church to be healthy when decisions are made by some sort of corporate democ...