Energizing Volunteerism

If I could give pastors a magic wand to fix one thing in their church, I believe most would wave the wand over their volunteer problem. I can easily hear the pain of broken volunteerism. Words like burned out, tired and overworked hang in the air. There are a lot of things that can contribute to poor volunteerism. While working with different churches, I have picked up a few things that seem to help people get connected. Here's three things to consider when trying to people to move into serving at your church. Build the Right Culture Are you creating a culture of obligation or opportunity. A culture of obligation uses desperation and guilt to push people to serve. The whole "God's going to get you if you don't serve" spill seldom works. And even if people are guilted into serving, the commitment is usually short lived. Volunteerism should be presented as an opportunity, not an obligation. ...