
Showing posts from March, 2016

Creating Volunteer Health in your Church

If there is one common denominator among churches, it is the importance of volunteers. Both small and large churches have to be intentional when it comes to creating a healthy volunteer base. When we think of volunteer health, we probably envision a church where people are standing in line to serve; and once they commit, they actually show up. I have yet to see a church with a long line of people waiting to serve, but I have seen churches do it well. Here are three things I have observed in churches where volunteerism was healthy: Finding Volunteers   Most churches who have healthy volunteerism understand people are more likely to serve when they are found (and asked) by people they personally know. Creating a  strategy for  active volunteers to invite their friends and family to join them produces much better results than an announcement and a sign up sheet. Firing Volunteers   Seldom do people ever think about firing a volunteer, I mean, they’r...

Discovering Bottlenecks in your Church

Whenever we work with churches who are stuck, we start with tools that bring perspective. When teams discover where the bottlenecks are, they can begin to build and implement plans to break through the gridlock. 

One tool I like to use helps churches identify how well they are making disciples. You start by identifying four specific people groups and the percentage each group makes up of the whole church. Non-Christian New Christian 
Growing Christian 
Mature Christian While percentages vary, the church’s worship and preaching style often correlates with a predictable outcome. 
Traditional-Style Churches In my experience, churches with traditional worship and preaching styles often end up with numbers like this:
I’ve heard these numbers given proudly, as the team believes this indicates solid Bible teaching has led to the spiritually mature being the highest percentage of their congregation....

Creating Healthy Leadership Pressure

  It has always been said, "Everything rises and falls on leadership." This is true in both the business and the church. Because of this, leadership health is vital. Keeping leadership healthy requires many things like accountability, mentoring, and focus. In many ways, these things (and others) creates a pressure that enables leaders to function and thrive. When leadership pressure is healthy, leaders are healthy; when it's not, things can go badly pretty quick. Both too little pressure or too much is unhealthy for any organization. Check out the bell curve below.  Too little leadership pressure results in low performance and too much pressure drives performance down as well.  There are certain indicators that can reveal whether or not leadership pressure is too little or too much. There are also indicators that reveal healthy leadership pressure.  The "Good ole Boy" Mentality When there is a lack of little or no leadership pressure, the "good ol...