Three Things that can Cripple your Church

In Acts 3, we find Peter and John going to an afternoon prayer service at the temple. As they approach, they see a lame man at the gate. There, he sat and asked people for money as they walked by. When Peter and John came near, the lame man asked for an offering. Peter answered, “I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!” (Acts 3:6, NLT) The formerly crippled man's life was changed forever. He was healed. While this was probably the man's first Jesus experience , it wasn't his first begging experience. He was 40 years old and was born crippled. It's even likely he sat in the same spot for years. In those days, most of the handicapped were totally dependent on the benevolence of others. Over the years, I have thought about this story. I can see this guy sitting on the ground at the gate called Beautiful, week after week, year afte...