Dealing with a SICK Budget

I have heard the word sick used in the context where it meant good or awesome . But in this case, we'll use it by it's true origin . There’s nothing more frustrating than sick budgets. There are different levels of budget sickness. Some budgets have a weak cough; others are running a fever; and some are bleeding to death. I have worked with churches where Sunday offerings determined the weekly attitude of the team. The entire team rides the rollercoaster of emotions. Not a very healthy environment for anyone. There are a lot of different reasons budgets get in trouble. Here are three common factors I see that contribute to financial sickness. Too Little Talk I have heard pastors and leaders say, “We don’t talk about money in our church.” When I ask why, the reply is usually, “It makes people uncomfortable.” What’s even worse, some tie a theological string to it. The truth is, talking about money makes a lot of pastors uncomfortable because of pos...